6 tips to harmonize your home

6 astuces pour harmoniser votre maison

Since we spend most of our time at home, it is essential to feel good there. Whether it is for our well-being or just to wow our guests, who does not want a soothing interior, a warm atmosphere and a well-appointed space? Everyone of course!

However, harmonize your house is not an easy thing. This is the reason why many people hire interior designers to meet their specific needs at a fairly significant financial cost. But if you don't have the budget to hire the services of these experts, there are always a few basics that can work wonders. Here are the 5 commandments to have a zen and pleasant interior and a bonus! Stay until the end.

Bulky items, you will get rid of them

The first and most important step is to get rid of all the bulky items. Start by sorting out. The famous Marie Kondō explains in her book The magic of storagesimple techniques available to everyone to sort efficiently.

Donate your old books, clothes you no longer wear or furniture you no longer use. Basically, sort, store, throw away, resell if necessary.

Another point ! Bulky items can also be new furniture or decorative items that you plan to buy. If the vintage style is back in fashion, for example, don't buy all the vintage items that you find pretty in flea markets. Ask yourself if you really need this item and if it will be useful for you on a daily basis.

Natural light, you will welcome it

A dark room isn't the most pleasant, any interior designer will tell you. You will find a wide choice of lighting in all styles on the market. However, with a few tips, daylight alone can give amazing results. If you are in the middle of a renovation or construction work, opt for floor-to-ceiling windows to bring natural light into your home. This rule is valid in the living room, for the bedrooms as well as the bathroom.

If your apartment is cramped, don't hesitate to separate each room with interior skylights. Not only do these partitions let in light from one room to another, but they are also ultra-trendy in interior design and admittedly, are rather intelligent solutions. The market is full of glass partitions for all tastes.

If your budget allows it, also bet on patio doors. The latter are very effective in gaining natural light. They bring a lot of style and elegance to your home.

Fluidity, you will advocate it

This technique is inspired by Feng Shui interiors. It is based on the theory that a well-appointed space, favorably spaced, leaves room for good energy. To test if this is the case with your home, walk around between each room. If you hit furniture or if certain objects are obstructing your passage, the traffic is not smooth. To optimize your comfort, reorganize the layout of your furniture.

If you are about to furnish your new home, opt for objects proportional to the size of the interior space. Don't buy a big table for a small kitchen and so on. Any room, even the smallest, can give off positive energies if you know how to harness it. A bed with several cushions, a small bedside table, soft lighting fixtures, feng-shui paintings hung on the wall as a headboard and a few indoor plants will do the trick to recreate a Zen atmosphere.

Neutral colors, you will favor them

The choice of color is very delicate but important to successfully harmonize your living space. Each person and each family has their preference in selecting the color shades to paint each room. In all cases, neutral and light colors always do good results. Unless you are an interior design professional, stick to the basics. White painted walls, for example, are perfect for small rooms. White favors the entry of natural light and gives the effect of a larger space. Find the shade of white that works best for you and you are good to go. Gray also offers surprising results.

Bold colors as well as extravagant colors are not recommended because they stimulate the mind rather than calm it. Avoid the color orange on the walls of your kitchen under the pretext of having an original decoration. There are, however, softer shades of color like pastel. Also avoid the color black throughout the room. It can add style only as a small touch or as wallpaper.

Your activities, you will take them into account

There is no point in having a chic and perfectly appointed interior if it is not functional. Despite the fact that the color white is currently in the trends, a white sofa is not recommended for a large family, especially with children. Likewise, if your living space is quite small, even ultra-chic furniture will not be suitable if its size is imposing.

The ideal is to choose your decoration and furniture according to your activities or passion. A library would be welcome in the bedroom of a reading enthusiast, or green plants in the living room of a gardening enthusiast.The most successful interior design is one that is in harmony with the desires and needs of the occupants.

What about decorative items?

This is the last step and it's more a matter of taste. However, whatever your style, note that simplicity is often synonymous with elegance. Avoid overload! Before buying any decorative item, start by taking stock of your available spaces. As mentioned above, bulky items are never graceful.

Here are some objects that will allow you to combine utility with elegance: a few soft cushions, a vintage mirror frame or even paintings, hanging lights. They decorate without cluttering your interior. The wall shelves are also very practical. You can store your books, plants, photo frames, travel souvenirs or your statues. Then, focus on quality rather than quantity. Prefer for example a magnificent carved wooden statue instead of 10 plastic baubles, the quality of which will deteriorate over time.

Note also that greenery is always welcome in a Zen interior. It brings its touch of freshness and its conviviality (in a corner of your office, in the middle of the dining table, at the main entrance, suspended in the kitchen ...) Bouquet of flowers, green shrubs, cacti or plants fat, there is no shortage of choice!

And you ? What are your tips for bringing harmony to your home? Do not hesitate to share them with us in the comments to broaden your ideas.

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