Destockage policy: is the preferred partner of artisans, artists and manufacturers all over the world, in order to offer you original and unique products at the best price.
Your order will be shipped from several countries, such as Nepal, Tibet, China, Thailand, Indonesia, India... These small suppliers do not provide tracking numbers with packages, but your products will be delivered within 2 to 5 weeks. After all, some free products are well worth a little patience!; -)
You have to tell yourself "Why do you offer 100% free products?"
This is part of our marketing and promotional strategy. Rather than paying large multinationals (whose names we will not mention!) for advertising, we believe that the best ad we can receive is from our customers, and the fact that you are talking about us around you will help us more than any paid ad! The number one goal is to satisfy you and make you happy, so that you share this happiness around you!
That's why some of our products are totally free! The only thing you have to pay is a contribution towards the costs of order preparation and shipping.
How much do the order preparation and shipping costs?
The fee is 8,90 Euros per product. And since you should not abuse good things, the maximum amount of free products per order is 9 products per order.In case the rule of 9 products per order is not respected, your order will be cancelled, you will be reimbursed and administrative costs may be charged to you.